YDP Overview

2024 Brochure

The Youth Development Programme (YDP) forms an integral component of the Africa Aerospace and Defence Show (AAD) show. The aim of YDP is to:

  • Create awareness about careers in the defence and aviation sectors.
  • Provide a platform for the youth to interact with the defence and aviation sectors.
  • Assist learners to identify bursary opportunities in the defence and aviation sectors.
  • Support the promotion of Mathematics, Science and Technology subjects at schools.
  • Assist graduates in the fields of Engineering and Science to interact with the defence and aviation sectors to identify vacation work and internships.
  • Based on the success of the YDP since it was first introduced in 2002, YDP promises to present a well-planned and coordinated youth programme that supports the strategic intent of AAD and its partners.
  Strategic Intent

Our Vision:

To present a world-class aviation and defence youth awareness show.

Our Mission:

To promote career awareness in the aviation and defence industries amongst South Africa's youth.

Our Values:

  • Selfless Service. We put the needs of our youth before our own.
  • Inspiration. We provide a life-changing experience to our youth.
  • Excellence in All We Do. We strive to be professional in all our efforts.
  • Positive Attitude. We focus on solutions, not problems.

The Slogan:

"Mobilise the Youth Today to Sustain the Aerospace and Defence Capability of Tomorrow."

The critical Mission Success Factors:

  • Participation and support by all the AAD partners in the event.
  • Funding from sponsors to cover the expenses of implementing the programme.

The Goal:

The presentation of a prestigious AAD Youth Development Programme at AAD.